Monday, October 19, 2009

Angeline's birthday it's today! x]

It's her 15th birthday today but we had celebrated yesterday.where else?gurney again XD me and Nyon followed Jacky car. met up with Nabila, Angeline, Nick, Bryan and Kent then gathered at redbox. Jacky was DRUNKED! XD. Left two three hours, so we spend it in fourskin, parkson grand and dinner. I'm sure the guys were bored.haha Jacky was peeking angeline while she's changing =.=" and we bought her a dress as her birthday present ;D. tatas! =]

Min Li

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

woofs!! PMR is overrrrrrrr. rawr!*
went to Jacky's house right after KH paper. then went to Gurney, met up with Angeline, Lene and Jessi at Subway first =]. yumm yumm~ met yuling there too.
then went back to Jacky's house and vain with Angel..jacky join us too.XD
pheuwww! kinda tired today. tatas! ;)
some photos taken by M3 =) ::
( bought a Rubik's cube too x] <3>

Min Li =]